Oath of Storms #

The Oath of Storms calls to those who’s passion for combat is tempered by their jovial nature, these paladins are often hardy and strong combatants who love a good fight.

Tenets of the Storm #

A paladin who takes on the Oath of Storms swears not only to assail your foes, but to protect the weak.

Channel the Storm. Drown your enemies in the fury the of the tempest.

Be the Storm’s Eye. Forget not the purpose of your storm, remind yourself of who you wish to protect, at the center of your storm.

Do Not Relent. Crush your enemies like the winds and the gale, remove from them their footing, and give them no quarter.

Oath Spells #

3rd-level Oath of the Storms feature

You gain oath spells at the Paladin levels listed.

Oath of Storms Spells #
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Thunder Wave, Zephyr Strike
5th Shatter, Warding Wind
9th Lightning Bolt, Thunder Step
13th Storm Sphere, Control Water
17th Maelstrom, Control Winds

Channel Divinity #

3rd-level Oath of the Storms feature

You gain the following two Channel Devinity options.

Spark Toss You can use your Channel Divinity to envelop a weapon with the thrown property in lightning, when you make a ranged attack by throwing the weapon, the target takes an additional 2d6 lightning damage.

Surge You can use your Channel Divinity to blast your surrounding area with volatile electricity. As an action, each creature that you can see within 15 feet of you must make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d8 lightning damage.

The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 7th level (2d8), 15th level (3d8), and 20th level (4d8).

Aura of Grounding #

7th-level Oath of Storms feature

You emit an aura of grounding while you aren’t incapacitated. When a creature within 10 feet of you would take lightning damage, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d10 + your charisma modifier + your paladin level. When you use this feature to reduce lightning damage in this way if your use of your channel divinity is expended, you regain it.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Lightning Rod #

15th-level Oath of Storms feature

You can spend a short rest to attune with a metal melee weapon of your choice. It gains the thrown property with a range of 20/60 feet if it did not already posses it. This weapon may function as a holy symbol.

Additionally when the weapon is not in your hand you can call the weapon back to your hand by using a bonus action. While returning the weapon will avoid obstacles if it’s able flying at a speed of 120ft, if it cannot avoid the obstacle it will stop returning.

Storm’s Chosen #

20th-level Oath of Storms feature

You become an embodiment of the storm giving you tremendous abilities.

• After making a ranged attack with your branded weapon, while it is within 120 feet of you, you can magically move to its location using a bonus action.

• When you make a ranged attack with your branded weapon, you can use your bonus action to call the weapon back to your hand and make another attack with the branded weapon adding 2d8 lightning damage.

• When you try and recall your branded weapon, if an obstacle blocks the path between your branded weapon and yourself the weapon will deal 3d8 bludgeoning damage per round until the obstacle is cleared.


Credits #

The Writer: Myself (Yreid) #
Artistic credit to: Mana Project Studio #


Change Log #

V1.2 First Post-Release Logged Change
* Updated wording throughout document to more accurately match wording used in source books (Eg. "Thrown Weapon Attacks", changed to "Ranged Attacks")
* Reduced overall wordiness, moved some features around for readability
* Updated Surge damage & scaling (removed charisma mod dmg scaling, increased damage die, and added additional damage dice at higher levels)
* Updated aura of grounding functionality to more accurately match other damage mitigating features
* Updated aura of grounding aura size at 18th level
* Updated lightning rod weapon return feature, now costs a bonus action instead of an object interaction
* Reworked Storm's Chosen feature 2, to allow a follow up attack more inline with how other features function

V1.3 Cleaning up wording and flavour text
* Rewrote the tenets of the storm
* Rewrote the Oath of Storms flavour text

V1.4 Cleaning up flavour text
* Further editing of the tenets